Dr. Hensley recently shared with us his BIG ROCKS that we need to focus on at Second Street School.  This one speaks directly to me and what needs to go on my classroom.  It also speaks to what I know is correct instruction -- something I've known for a while.

BIG ROCKS: Goal #2--Developing a Writing Culture
PIA--Prepare Data, Inquire, ACT
According to the KPREP scores our overall writing assessment produced these results:

90 Kids were below the proficiency line
50 Kids were above the proficiency line

Student work indicates many of our students are not comfortable with Writing To Demonstrate Learning and are not Proficient at On Demand prompted writing.
This data tells us not enough of our students are able to do the following in writing:
  • Produce ON DEMAND pieces at the Proficient Level
  • Read a passage and answer WRITTEN extended response
  • Read a passage and answer WRITTEN short answer questions
  • Read a passage and answer multiple choice questions about it
  • Answer questions about language mechanics that are in short answer and multiple choice form
  1. Develop a “Coherent Writing Plan” which does the following:
    1. Defines the four kinds of writing we want kids to master
    2. Identifies what”publishable” writing students do at each grade level
    3. Develops a rubric which guides the evaluation of writing and the instruction of writing
    4. Develop a plan for school wide scoring of writing--ON DEMAND to start
    5. Incorporate WRITING and READING into all content areas through CLOSE READING (PD to be provided) and informational and argumentative writing.
    6. Analyze Critical Writing school wide and in PLCs from each grade
  2. Assess formatively and summatively with writing opportunities and score as a PLC
  3. Models of all kinds of writing on the wall
  4. PD on FEEDBACK for writing
  5. Publish and Celebrate Student Writing at the Community Meeting and on the walls--also at lunch and in publications (Newspaper, Bulletin Boards, ChapBooks, etc.)

Chart from Dr. Dewey Hensley -- 11-10-16
