[A lesson on The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan]

"Ladies and Gentlemen, sometimes, even though our author's main purpose is to entertain us through his or her writing, they will provide commentary on certain aspects of society ... they're crafty! They'll slip it in a scene that just seems like nothing more than entertaining.  But let's step back for a minute.  Who has ever heard the word commentary?"

This was my opening the other day in class.  I stood in front of my second block and watched as hands shot up around the room. I'd put the word COMMENTARY under my document camera, and it was loud and in charge on my flat screen TV.

"So, who thinks they know what the word means ... or would like to take a stab at the definition?"

Again, more hands shot in the air.

"Lee,*do want to try?"

"I think it means you make comments, like on YouTube."

"Hmm, that's an interesting theory.  Kay, what about you?"

"I think sorta like Lee. It's about comments on stuff."

"Okay, what makes you think that it could mean comments?"

"Well, because commentary has the word comment in it."

"Oh good! You noticed the root or base word comment!  You guys are right on top of it. Commentary are comments people make about various topics or situations, like their opinions on stuff.  Now, our author Rick Riordan writes a pretty cool scene that all of us just loved when we read it."

At this point, we review the scene to which I am referring. In a nutshell, the main character and his supporting characters enter the Lotus Casino, a heaven-on-Earth place where they have every imaginable video game, junk food, water ride ... you name it, if a kid would like it, this casino had it. During the course of the scene, Percy, the main character, realizes that something isn't right.

"So, our author, Mr. Riordan, is making a commentary on modern society.  What do you think he is trying to say?"

"Well, kids now a days just love video games.  My mom always complains I am on my phone too much.  I think he's trying to say we play too much on our video games."

Another kid jumps in at this point.

"Yeah, kids have cell phones, lap tops, iPads, video games, gaming systems, I know I lose total track of time when I'm playing my games.  I forgot to eat dinner the other night! I need to get outside more and play.  I think he's saying that we kids need balance in our lives."

"Hmmm," I said. "Those are some really good theories, and I agree with you all! Rick Riordan is making a commentary on modern society. We aren't using our creative side as much because we are so involved in our technology."

"My mom says that all the time!"

I chuckled.  "See what happens when we apply our close reading strategies.  We are able to pick up on these things even while we are being entertained."

*Names have been changed
